Thursday, June 21, 2018

Makerspace- Pros and Cons

Image result for pros and cons chart

Previously we discussed what exactly a Makerspace is, but you may still be skeptical about using one in your classroom. Let's look at the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of creating one for your students to explore.



  • Allows individuals to use old and new forms of technology to create something new
  • Activities are open-ended and can be left open to the imagination
  • Encourages collaboration
  • Positive environment- it is okay to fail at something because you are able to try again
  • Expose to higher-order thinking and problem solving strategies
  • Hands-on learning
  • Focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)


  • Some resources and tools can be expensive
  • There may not be time set aside in the day to explore a Makerspace
  • Independence in this space may require a lot of modeling and pre-loading with expectations
  • Need supporting staff to encourage a positive outlook on the space/ some resistance to change


Where in the world are Makerspaces?

Because Makerspaces have started off with bringing many positive, collaborative opportunities to the field of education, educators from all over the world have decided to begin implementing them into their classrooms.

Image result for are there makerspaces all over the world?

Although this chart was current as of January 2016, the idea of creating and using a Makerspace in educational environments has increased tremendously over this time span. As educator's become more familiar with this emerging trend, I believe that the numbers would continue to increase in a significant way.

Makerspace? Yes? No?

After conducting research on Makerspaces, I can definitely say that I would truly like to implement a Makerspace in my classroom. Although there are some significant "cons" to a Makerspace (finances and time), I think that the "pros" outweigh them tremendously. I have taught both pre-k and second grade and noticed over the last five years that students become strong learners when they are interested and have the opportunity to solve a problem independently. Completing challenges alone or with a collaborative group allows students to not only grow in a specific educational field, but it gives them the opportunity to build their confidence and self-esteem too. I also feel as though the expose to STEM activities can promote a positive environment in subject areas that students can sometimes dislike. So yes, if I was able, I would incorporate a Makerspace in my classroom for my students to explore.

Because I think that the financial aspect would be my biggest hurdle, I would begin with items/ resources that are already in my classroom or that I could obtain for free or cheap. These items would be things like: 

Beginning with these tools would help my students develop a strong understanding of what the Makerspace expectations are and how to appropriately use the materials. As funding increases over time (district funding, donors choose, etc), additional resources can be added to my classroom Makerspace. The resource that I would love to have eventually would be a 3D printer; these are amazing! I think students can learn so much from using programs specifically for a 3D printer, like Tinkercad, and can grow tremendously with developing a solution to a challenge in which a 3D printer is required. 


I want a classroom Makerspace... Do you?

Want to know more? Visit these sites!
Seven Surprising Benefits of Maker Spaces
Benefits of Hands-on Learning in a Makerspace
The Idea Behind a School Makerspace


Kurti, R., Kurti, D., & Fleming, L. (2014, June). The Philosophy of Educational Makerspaces. Retrieved from

Lou, N., & Peck, K. (2016, February 23). By The Numbers: The Rise of the Makerspace. Retrieved from

M. (2017, October 22). Retrieved from

[Pros and Cons] (n.d.) Retrieved from

Slatter, D., & Howard, Z. (2013, November 25). A place to make, hack, and learn: makerspaces in Australian public libraries. Retrieved from

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Makerspace- The Basics

Are you looking for ways to incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) into your classroom? A MAKERSPACE is a tool that may be a great asset to your room that allows you to help your students explore these subject areas.

What is a Makerspace? 
"A Makerspace is a place where students can gather to create, invent, tinker, explore, and discover using a variety of tools and materials"  (Rendina, 2017). This typically is an area open to collaboration among individuals that allows them to combine STEM- infused ideas with their imagination in order to create something new. In layman's terms, this is a place where people/ children go to make things using their creativity (Rendina, 2017).

Why do educators use Makerspaces?
Makerspace areas allow students to think in a creative, higher- order, and problem- solving manner (Duncan, 2016). These areas help to establish a sense of community among students in a classroom; they also allow students to use their imagination to create something using tools and objects that they may not be regularly exposed to. 

What does a Makerspace look like?
There is no set answer for this. All Makerspaces look different and can contain different things. This answer depends on the resources and funding that an educator may have. A makerspace can consist of basic items, such as: popsicle sticks, wire, tennis balls, and old electronics. These areas can also consist of more in depth materials, such as: green screens, 3D printers, or coding programs (Roffey). Essentially, any resource that students can use to create something new while using their creativity and imagination can be incorporated into a Makerspace.

How do students know what to build/ create?
In a Makerspace, the educator should develop rules and expectations of the area, but overall, students should generally have the ability to create something based off of their imagination and what intrigues them. "Children are tinkerers. They enjoy taking things apart to see how they work and being challenged to put it back together. By providing an array of materials, they can create something unique that has never been seen before" (Watson, 2015). Educator's may give their students a "challenge" to complete that gives them a task to complete, but even in this instance, the children are creating something that they feel will be the most successful outcome.

  • "Want to build an alarm? Time to review circuits and switches" (Watson, 2015).
  • "Want to create a small hat? Time to learn to sew or crochet" (Watson, 2015).
    With these examples, you can see that depending on a student's interests, they will use their prior knowledge, imagination, and resources to create what they are envisioning.

Overview of this blog post:
Makerspace Infographic

Want to know more? Visit these sites!

Duncan. J. (2016, April 25). Makerspaces: The Benefits. Retrieved May 28, 2018, from

engunneer. Youtube, YouTube, 30 Dec. 2012,

Rendina, D. (2017, October 09). Defining Makerspaces: What the Research Says. Retrieved May 28, 2018, from

Roffey, Trisha. "Makerspace for Education." Makerspace for Education, Retrieved June 11, 2018, from

Watson, A. (2015). Curious about classroom Makerspaces? Here's how to get started. Retrieved May 28, 2018, from